What to Expect
We aim to give you a few basic tools within this Intro Day allowing you to approach any Performance or Speech from a less judgmental approach, using our 10 Commandments.
From here we want to make you aware of the necessity to convey a beginning, middle and end to any journey, through our SNS module.
To understand that simply pacing back and forward on the Stage, is undervaluing the power of a rehearsed and calculated positioning on Stage, as a strategic ally, in conveying your information to any Audience.
Martz&Walker present their concept, their 10 commandments and the requisites for Living your Life on stage..
A highly motivational Lecture about Contact, personal freedom and structure to begin your journey.
Martz&Walker's 10 Commandments
- Why
- No Standards
- Start at the End
- Write & Rewrite
- Entertain
- Make Mistakes
- Focus
- Give of Yourself
- Structure, Structure, Structure
- Don’t Bore Me, Touch Me
Dramatic structure applied to Speeches
“without Structure, there is no form, there is a nothing, abstract and displaced”
Movement on stage
Q&A with Martz6Walker
Presentation of Martz&Walker's various programs
Location and cost
Cost for the day is 349,00 €.
The M&W Intro Day will be held in Hamburg, Berlin, Munich, Stuttgart, Cologne and Frankfurt.